BAR Photography: The Kennedy Center
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center grounds
BAR Photography: Available parking?
BAR Photography: Sign says it all...
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center steps
BAR Photography: Watergate
BAR Photography: Columns of the Kennedy Center
BAR Photography: Column sides
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center Artwork
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center Artwork
BAR Photography: Glorious hotspot
BAR Photography: Watergate
BAR Photography: Saudi Arabia
BAR Photography: Kennedy Center
BAR Photography: Hall of States
BAR Photography: Hall of States
BAR Photography: Now running...
BAR Photography: Currently running...
BAR Photography: Hall of States
BAR Photography: Hall of States
BAR Photography: Side columns = magnificent
BAR Photography: Shuttle?
BAR Photography: Take a bus there
BAR Photography: John F Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts
BAR Photography: Need a bus?