BAR Photography: Street Photography - random shots at life
BAR Photography: General Winfield Scott Hancock
BAR Photography: General Winfield Scott Hancock
BAR Photography: Archives of the United States
BAR Photography: Old Post Office Pavilion
BAR Photography: Old Post Office Pavilion
BAR Photography: Franklin statue - Old Post Office Pavilion
BAR Photography: Franklin statue - Old Post Office Pavilion
BAR Photography: Downtown Washington, DC
BAR Photography: Franklin McPherson Park - White House
BAR Photography: Franklin McPherson Park - White House
BAR Photography: Franklin McPherson Park - White House
BAR Photography: Washington DC statue
BAR Photography: Secret Service Police protecting the White House
BAR Photography: Tidal Basin
BAR Photography: Enjoying the sun
BAR Photography: Jefferson in the background
BAR Photography: Zombie alert
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Rosslyn skyline
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset
BAR Photography: Potomac sunset