DC Products: Perfect Iowa afternoon
DC Products: Ray's farmhouse
DC Products: On set
DC Products: Family afternoon
DC Products: Pickup game
DC Products: Ray loves Annie
DC Products: Batting order
DC Products: Behind the plate
DC Products: What's out there
DC Products: Out of the corn
DC Products: Right field foul flag pole
DC Products: In the right-field pines
DC Products: Ray's bay windows
DC Products: Boy on the farm
DC Products: Soft toss
DC Products: Go the distance
DC Products: They'll come to Iowa
DC Products: Lansing farm
DC Products: Cubs vs. Yankees
DC Products: May morning in Iowa
DC Products: Brad mans second
DC Products: Matt dons the gear
DC Products: Dan at bat
DC Products: Dan's pitch
DC Products: Skies one
DC Products: Matt to the infield
DC Products: A blustery morning
DC Products: Follow-through form
DC Products: Base knock
DC Products: Ready at third