DC Products: Paterson Panthers
DC Products: Hinchliffe Stadium, 1948
DC Products: Hinchliffe Stadium, Paterson, New Jersey
DC Products: Bordering Maple Street, Paterson
DC Products: Hinchliffe Stadium ticket windows
DC Products: No tickets today
DC Products: Long gone
DC Products: Graffitti and turnstiles
DC Products: Overgrowth at Hinchcliffe
DC Products: One-time entry
DC Products: Hinchcliffe gates
DC Products: Maple Street ticket windows
DC Products: Ticket window decorations
DC Products: Side entrance at Hinchcliffe
DC Products: Maple gate
DC Products: Grandstand steps
DC Products: There used to be a ballpark
DC Products: Ballpark grafitti
DC Products: View through the fence
DC Products: Hinchcliffe bleachers
DC Products: Nothing left but ghosts
DC Products: Nothing but memories
DC Products: Last look
DC Products: School No. 5 and Hinchcliffe Stadium
DC Products: Negro leagues stamp preview
DC Products: Into Hinchliffe Stadium
DC Products: The Hinchliffe scoreboard
DC Products: An old door
DC Products: Nature's winning
DC Products: Hinchliffe left to the elements