DC Products: Delgado after a round
DC Products: Delgado in the minors
DC Products: The ever-popular Shane Victorino
DC Products: Carlos and the kids
DC Products: Ty Taubenheim
DC Products: Daniel Nava
DC Products: Pest of the Game
DC Products: Delgado steps in
DC Products: Delgado swings
DC Products: Delgado at bat
DC Products: Bloop single to left
DC Products: Timing it
DC Products: Back on first for the first time in a long time
DC Products: Humor of the situation
DC Products: Kris Johnson
DC Products: Shane Victorino in a rehab appearance
DC Products: Liner to right
DC Products: Reaching for one
DC Products: Turning first
DC Products: Approaching second
DC Products: Sliding into third
DC Products: Safe with a triple
DC Products: YUM! Seasoned corn!
DC Products: Husk handle
DC Products: The Bud Light Trough
DC Products: Dusk in the Valley
DC Products: A K for Delgado
DC Products: At Aw Shucks
DC Products: Late light in Lehigh Valley
DC Products: General admission tiered section