DC Products: Signing for fans
DC Products: Jeff Duncan before the game
DC Products: Anderson Hernandez
DC Products: Mike Jacobs plays catch
DC Products: Matt Lindstrom warms up in the bullpen
DC Products: In the 'pen
DC Products: Hosing down the infield
DC Products: Anderson Hernandez at bat
DC Products: After the slam
DC Products: Anderson Hernandez fouls one off
DC Products: Charlie Manning
DC Products: Lindstrom delivers
DC Products: Lindstrom fires
DC Products: Matt Lindstrom's follow-through
DC Products: Eyeing the pitcher
DC Products: Practice swings
DC Products: Pickup sticks
DC Products: Getting a grip
DC Products: Secured
DC Products: Chase the Bat Dog
DC Products: On the way back
DC Products: The chicken or the egg
DC Products: Apparently, the chicken
DC Products: Chase the Golden Thunder
DC Products: Pregame warmups
DC Products: Brad, Eric and Chase
DC Products: Aww ... dat's a good boy!
DC Products: Fluffy Chase
DC Products: During the anthem
DC Products: Taking a lead