DC Products: Gotham Base Ball Club
DC Products: Pre-match photo
DC Products: Chalkboard scoreboard
DC Products: Choosing who bats last
DC Products: Captains
DC Products: Keep that mustache wax off the ball
DC Products: Pitching
DC Products: At the bat
DC Products: Windup
DC Products: Manning third
DC Products: PICKLE!
DC Products: Dead meat
DC Products: Trying to elude the tag
DC Products: Out at third
DC Products: At the base ball match
DC Products: Bottom of the first
DC Products: Of the Gotham Base Ball Club
DC Products: Legging a triple
DC Products: Fake to first
DC Products: On the run
DC Products: Stealing second
DC Products: Second, stolen
DC Products: Well struck
DC Products: A little banjo hit
DC Products: Shakespeare rounds third
DC Products: Adept striker
DC Products: Looking the part
DC Products: Gothams hurler
DC Products: Bowling in Paterson
DC Products: A manly catch