DC Products: My initials
DC Products: A ballfield
DC Products: Williamsburg
DC Products: Segment of 'Emissary Forks at Perfection'
DC Products: 'Luna' segment
DC Products: 'Luna' frame
DC Products: POLKA detail
DC Products: States of Mind I: The Farewells, 1911
DC Products: Van Gogh paparazzi
DC Products: Artist's depiction of free Fridays at MoMA
DC Products: MoMA Sculpture Garden
DC Products: MoMA puts Van Gogh in a corner
DC Products: The detail of the brush strokes
DC Products: Eyeing the ladies
DC Products: Street, Dresden 1908
DC Products: Dynamism of a Soccer Player, 1903
DC Products: The False Mirror sees all
DC Products: On Time Off Time, 1948
DC Products: The Back (x4)
DC Products: MoMA dance club
DC Products: Detail: Random Distribution of 40,000 Squares Using the Odd and Even Numbers of a Telephone Directory, 50% Blue, 50% Red
DC Products: Random Distribution of 40,000 Squares Using the Odd and Even Numbers of a Telephone Directory, 50% Blue, 50% Red
DC Products: untitled (to the "innovator" of Wheeling Peachblow) 1968
DC Products: U.S. Highway 1, Number 5
DC Products: Drowning Girl
DC Products: The Yellow Buick
DC Products: 20191014_MoMA (17)
DC Products: Untitled 1963
DC Products: Untitled 1968