DC Products:
Swiftcurrent Pass Trail
DC Products:
Swiftcurrent Pass Trail
DC Products:
Swiftcurrent Pass Trail
DC Products:
Redrock Lake
DC Products:
Redrock Falls from across the lake
DC Products:
Redrock Falls
DC Products:
Altyn Peak from west end of Redrock Lake
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Redrock Falls and Creek, leading to the Lake
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Mount Wilber
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First mountain goat sighting
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Many Glacier Hotel
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Red Buses await the day
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Many Glacier morning
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Chief Two Guns beneath Grinnell Point
DC Products:
Chief Two Guns on Swiftcurrent Lake
DC Products:
The Salamander
DC Products:
Above Lake Josephine
DC Products:
Grinnell Glacier Trail
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Just starting out on the hike
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Looking over Grinnell Lake into Piegan Pass
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Ground squirrel at attention
DC Products:
Chunky ground squirrel
DC Products:
Grinnell Falls
DC Products:
First peek of Grinnell Glacier
DC Products:
Grinnell Lake and Angel Wing
DC Products:
Grinnell Glacier
DC Products:
Mountain goat
DC Products:
Grinnell Glacier and The Salamander
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Selfie on the trail
DC Products:
Can't help but look back at Grinnell Lake