DC Products:
Freight beneath Bear Mountain Bridge
DC Products:
Where the creek meets the river
DC Products:
Crossing the creek
DC Products:
Popolopen Creek
DC Products:
Ascending the Torne
DC Products:
Atop Popolopen Torne
DC Products:
Bear Mountain Bridge
DC Products:
Cairn on the torne
DC Products:
Where the Hudson heads for the sea
DC Products:
Barge under the bridge
DC Products:
Echo Bay, post-paddle
DC Products:
Excursus: Homage to the Square³, 1998/2015
DC Products:
Excursus: Homage to the Square³, 1998/2015
DC Products:
Excursus: Homage to the Square³, 1998/2015
DC Products:
Part of 360˚ I Ching / 64 Sculptures, 1981
DC Products:
Untitled, 1970
DC Products:
Untitled, 1970
DC Products:
Untitled, 1970
DC Products:
Untitled, 1970
DC Products:
Untitled, 1970
DC Products:
"monument" for V. Tatlin, 1966–69 (and more)
DC Products:
"monument" for V. Tatlin, 1981
DC Products:
Flavin "monuments"
DC Products:
"monument" 1966–69 and Untitled 1970
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #248: The location of a straight, not straight and a broken line, a square, a triangle and a circle. (The specific locations are determined by the draftsman.), 1975
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #248: The location of a straight, not straight and a broken line, a square, a triangle and a circle. (The specific locations are determined by the draftsman.), 1975
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #271: Black circles, red grid, yellow arcs from four corners, blue arcs from the midpoints of four sides. (ACG 195), 1975
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #271: Black circles, red grid, yellow arcs from four corners, blue arcs from the midpoints of four sides. (ACG 195), 1975
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #1211: Drawing Series—Composite, Part I—IV, #1—24, A+B, 1968/2006
DC Products:
Wall Drawing #1211: Drawing Series—Composite, Part I—IV, #1—24, A+B, 1968/2006