DC Products: First visit to Dr. King's grave
DC Products: Martin Luther King Jr.'s grave
DC Products: MLK eternal flame
DC Products: MLK gravesite
DC Products: Jimmy Carter
DC Products: Presentation of colors
DC Products: Jimmy Carter prepares to speak
DC Products: Jimmy Carter on the mic
DC Products: Meeting a former president
DC Products: Carter's comments
DC Products: 'I'm president of my class!'
DC Products: Carter's Oval Office
DC Products: Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter
DC Products: Oval Office replica
DC Products: Centennial Olympic Park
DC Products: Baron Pierre de Coubertin
DC Products: The moral and peaceful virtues
DC Products: Dolphin sentinels
DC Products: He's a-comin'
DC Products: Belugas
DC Products: Beluga bubbles
DC Products: Playful
DC Products: Wily otter
DC Products: Diving
DC Products: Sea horse
DC Products: Backstroke
DC Products: Penguin cave
DC Products: Follow the hand
DC Products: Damn this window