Chiara Coetzee: Abacus at Soda Hall, UC Berkeley
Chiara Coetzee: Abacus at Soda Hall - with flash
Chiara Coetzee: Abacus at Soda Hall - without flash
Chiara Coetzee: Cleared Soda Hall abacus
Chiara Coetzee: Me adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in right-to-left order - Step 1
Chiara Coetzee: Me adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in right-to-left order - Step 19
Chiara Coetzee: Me adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 1
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 1
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 2
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 3
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 4
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 5
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 6
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 7
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 8
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 9
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 10
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 11
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 12
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 13
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 14
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 15
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 16
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 17
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 18
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 19
Chiara Coetzee: Adding 123456789 to itself on abacus in left-to-right order - Step 20
Chiara Coetzee: Subtracting 123456789 from 246913578 in left-to-right order - Step 1
Chiara Coetzee: Subtracting 123456789 from 246913578 in left-to-right order - Step 2
Chiara Coetzee: Subtracting 123456789 from 246913578 in left-to-right order - Step 3