Chiara Coetzee: Driving to Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: Hills with trees and trail 1
Chiara Coetzee: Hills with trees and trail 2
Chiara Coetzee: Trail at Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: View of Bay Bridge from Mt. Tamalpais 1
Chiara Coetzee: View of Bay Bridge from Mt. Tamalpais 2
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers standing at crossroads 1
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers standing at crossroads 2
Chiara Coetzee: View of Bay Bridge from Mt. Tamalpais 3
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers examining map
Chiara Coetzee: Erosion control area barrier on hill
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers standing at crossroads 3
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers standing at crossroads 4
Chiara Coetzee: Hiker holding camera and turning around in front of view
Chiara Coetzee: Two hikers taking photos
Chiara Coetzee: Hikers standing at crossroads 5
Chiara Coetzee: Grad students seated at peak of Mt. Tamalpais 10
Chiara Coetzee: Grad students seated at peak of Mt. Tamalpais 9
Chiara Coetzee: Grad students seated at peak of Mt. Tamalpais 8
Chiara Coetzee: Grad students seated at peak of Mt. Tamalpais 7
Chiara Coetzee: View of Richardson Bay, Bay Bridge, and downtown San Francisco from peak of Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: View of Bay Bridge and Angel Island from peak of Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: View of Richardson Bay, Bay Bridge, and Angel Island from peak of Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: Panorama of Bay Bridge from peak of Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: Marina on Richardson Bay 1
Chiara Coetzee: Closeup of downtown San Francisco and Bay Bridge from peak of Mt. Tamalpais
Chiara Coetzee: View of Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, Red Rock Island, and Richmond
Chiara Coetzee: View of Redwood Highway bridge, Bothin Marsh Preserve
Chiara Coetzee: Marina on Richardson Bay 2
Chiara Coetzee: View of Harbor Point from peak of Mt. Tamalpais