Chiara Coetzee: Unidentified bird 1 - closeup
Chiara Coetzee: Domestic crested duck headshot
Chiara Coetzee: Domestic crested duck
Chiara Coetzee: Unidentified bird 1
Chiara Coetzee: Muscovy duck headshot 1
Chiara Coetzee: Muscovy duck 1
Chiara Coetzee: Muscovy duck 2
Chiara Coetzee: Muscovy duck headshot 2
Chiara Coetzee: Immature Black-crowned Night Heron with green water hose
Chiara Coetzee: Immature Black-crowned Night Heron walking
Chiara Coetzee: Immature Black-crowned Night Heron 1
Chiara Coetzee: Black-crowned Night Heron
Chiara Coetzee: Immature Black-crowned Night Heron 2
Chiara Coetzee: Unidentified bird 2
Chiara Coetzee: Egyptian Goose at Lake Merritt
Chiara Coetzee: Immature Black-crowned Night Heron perched on metal railing
Chiara Coetzee: Bird sanctuary island in front of buildings at sunset 1
Chiara Coetzee: Bird sanctuary island in front of buildings at sunset 2
Chiara Coetzee: Bird sanctuary island in front of buildings at sunset 3
Chiara Coetzee: Bird sanctuary island in front of buildings at sunset 4
Chiara Coetzee: Bird sanctuary island in front of buildings at sunset 5
Chiara Coetzee: Canada Goose swimming in Lake Merritt
Chiara Coetzee: Herons in tree on bird sanctuary island
Chiara Coetzee: Seagull flying in front of buildings near Lake Merritt