Wayan Vota: Beer + lime + ice is really nice!
Wayan Vota: Good morning Manila!
Wayan Vota: Manila needs to work on its beer selection!
Wayan Vota: Next stop: Manila!
Wayan Vota: The famous Salvadorian "chicken bus" experience
Wayan Vota: $10 dinner #heaven
Wayan Vota: My $10 lunch #heaven
Wayan Vota: A costal jog along the Playa.
Wayan Vota: My $10 dinner: #heaven
Wayan Vota: Canada's Grand Challenge? Saving Brains (tm)! For? Zombies! http://ift.tt/28Vr6oS
Wayan Vota: Now that's a FHI 360 graph to celebrate! http://ift.tt/28WqdeW
Wayan Vota: Brixit run through San Salvador.
Wayan Vota: My Salvadoran Twin: Rodolfo Salazar
Wayan Vota: Wow! USAID Digital Development Forum Central America started with Fernando Maldonado
Wayan Vota: In a country where mangos are so plentiful they rot in the street, this is as close as I've gotten to eating one. Thanks Hilton Princess Hotel!
Wayan Vota: Bacon-wrapped plantains? Why yes!
Wayan Vota: Doing a training in El Salvador and look what's central to the solution - U-Report! Next for Sean Blaschke: world domination
Wayan Vota: Running is better than futbol.
Wayan Vota: I love El Salvador's Dollar Economy
Wayan Vota: Photo
Wayan Vota: IAD arrival
Wayan Vota: They say this is the flight to Brussels...
Wayan Vota: This is why I hate to run in shirts: bloody nipples.
Wayan Vota: My view of Macky Sall, President of Senegal, from the closet where I was stuffed by "security".
Wayan Vota: I feel safer already!
Wayan Vota: Did you know you could animate your data with a moving fish graphic, complete with dead fish to represent data stream ends? I just got schooled on the use of Power BI at a FHI 360 tech training
Wayan Vota: This morning's run to work was a mad race across Ngor. Guess who won!
Wayan Vota: I really want to like the book but Holden is a right ass, way more than I remember.
Wayan Vota: The connectivity reality at King Fahd Palace Hotel, Senegal.
Wayan Vota: Tagged! Making friends in Dakar