Wayan Vota: Is that your luggage getting left behind? It's not mine!
Wayan Vota: My bratwurst and beer breakfast. What was yours?
Wayan Vota: Brew, Drink, Run Frankfurt Airport Layovers!
Wayan Vota: How can you tell this is Accra and not Lagos?
Wayan Vota: One is a glass wall, the other a glass door
Wayan Vota: Now that's not the Guinness I'm used to. Foreign Extra Stout does taste foreign to me
Wayan Vota: I like a clean taxi too
Wayan Vota: How to get 4G LTE mobile broadband in Accra
Wayan Vota: iSpace Foundation rooftop panorama
Wayan Vota: Why watch football indoors?
Wayan Vota: USAID Digital Development Forum in session
Wayan Vota: USAID Digital Development Forum West Africa
Wayan Vota: Christopher Burns opening the USAID Digital Development Forum West Africa
Wayan Vota: Technology Salon Accra
Wayan Vota: New Media Hub in Accra, Ghana
Wayan Vota: 1st Technology Salon Accra
Wayan Vota: Open Roads with Easy Taxi in Accra
Wayan Vota: Naughty Networking in Ghana
Wayan Vota: That's not what I was expecting
Wayan Vota: That's #ICT4Drinks Ghana-style!
Wayan Vota: Watch your step on West African sidewalks!
Wayan Vota: Tasty, but not quite Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
Wayan Vota: How to advertise RFP in Ghana
Wayan Vota: Why drink water from bottles?
Wayan Vota: I love quality pedestrian infrastructure
Wayan Vota: FACT: Software monopoly is more effective at reducing wealth equality than any other industry... well except financial services. #RealityCheck
Wayan Vota: What if connecting Africa to the world didn't cost you the world?
Wayan Vota: La Tente DC 10 Restaurant, Accra, Ghana
Wayan Vota: Wireless Communication Tower in Accra, Ghana
Wayan Vota: Hey DC/NYC/BOS peeps, I feel your snowpocalypse, I really do. Well, kinda. Maybe. Not.