Wayan Vota: How I'm feeling about 2016 so far...
Wayan Vota: Proof that I'm Original Star Wars!
Wayan Vota: Thanks for the suggestion FB, but I kinda like Trey Lord Sil Ence Aaron Huslage Karen Smith Ronda Zelezny-Green Cyrus Farivar
Wayan Vota: Parents: "like" if you agree with my 7th tool required for assembly
Wayan Vota: Guess what this is? When they're ready, Tms Ruge will tell you what it is and Jessica Heinzelman explain why one would consume it. For the record, I abstain.
Wayan Vota: Tagged! Why do I love working at FHI 360? My awesome colleagues, of course!
Wayan Vota: So is this handicapped only or also pay-to-park for everyone else too?
Wayan Vota: Tagged! Wow! Last night's Release Party in DC was a blast! Here is a rare moment in history: all three co-founders in the same place.
Wayan Vota: Seems Forbes doesn't allow you to view their site if you're using an ad blocker. I'll now be Forbes-free. Oh well.
Wayan Vota: Photo
Wayan Vota: Ice skating selfie
Wayan Vota: I don't remember my LEGO people looking this cool!
Wayan Vota: Tagged!
Wayan Vota: America in 2015
Wayan Vota: Who wants to be first to play the real thing? Join me at The Board Room DC on Friday at 6pm sharp. If you can make it, please comment so I know how many to expect. I'm looking at you Rob Baker Jaclyn Carlsen Laura Walker McDonald(and her man) Christine Pr
Wayan Vota: I wonder if VW Diesels have a special "cheaters" lane?
Wayan Vota: Why is a Virginia plated car at the DC inspection station?
Wayan Vota: A good year flying! Not Aaron Huslage, Holly Krambeck Lee, Jeff Wishnie or Alice T. Liu, but still decent.
Wayan Vota: I am so gonna win this game!
Wayan Vota: Fatherhood is funny umbrellas
Wayan Vota: Today learned I'm a yoga purist. I like Iyengar Yoga over Ashtanga vinyasa yoga or aerobics with yoga poses. http://ift.tt/1ThZxUj
Wayan Vota: Damn! Looks like my reign is over as Alexandria Turkey Trot Doggie Division Winner
Wayan Vota: Wow!! Blazing fast Alexandria Turkey Trot w/ Taxi Dog.
Wayan Vota: I fear my fellow armed Americans more than anything else.
Wayan Vota: My father's 1976 Colombia tourist visa
Wayan Vota: This brings back memories...
Wayan Vota: Mmmmm! Powell Bake Sale looks tasty!
Wayan Vota: Hey Sil Ence Christina Crawley Christine Prefontaine apparently my wife is now Canadian!
Wayan Vota: How can a 4 hour drive on rails be bumpier than a 12 hour flight at 35,000 feet?
Wayan Vota: Tagged! My big day at the UN talking about tech and edu in conflict settings. http://ift.tt/1QyQY97