Wayan Vota: Castles made of sand slip into the sea, eventually
Wayan Vota: Saluting USS Yorktown
Wayan Vota: South Carolina Recycles!
Wayan Vota: Grandpa Don: Jenga Master
Wayan Vota: Happiness is a Taxi Dog Pillow
Wayan Vota: South Carolina Reindeer!!
Wayan Vota: Merry Christmas to Daddy!
Wayan Vota: Raking 10 bags of leaves didn't make much a difference. Who usually rakes DC playgrounds?
Wayan Vota: My contribution to evolutionary biology
Wayan Vota: I'M not the only parent thinking museum on a rainy day
Wayan Vota: Can u imagine? 3 for 2 deal on Wayan. @wayanvota
Wayan Vota: Parents Pop Quiz: Which of these toddler thermometers works? Answer: none!! Please, what toddler thermometer works for you? Each of these gave everything from 97F to 100F on the kids and I this morning.
Wayan Vota: Owen Scott in his natural environment
Wayan Vota: The right way to start an office meeting
Wayan Vota: And the line ain't moving...
Wayan Vota: A toddler statement
Wayan Vota: Ghost Bike as Street Advertising
Wayan Vota: This is Job Search Class: A Written Thank You Note
Wayan Vota: That's right - 1st Place again! For the third time, Taxi Dog and I are the fastest team at the Alexandria Turkey Trot 5 mile running race.
Wayan Vota: 2013 Alexandria Turkey Trot Starting Line
Wayan Vota: Morning wait on Metrorail
Wayan Vota: So that's what Northern Virginia looks like...
Wayan Vota: This should be good for a few adult therapy sessions for the girls...
Wayan Vota: Grant Circle is Unforgiving, even to Volvos
Wayan Vota: Really don't like new DC Taxi colors - too bland! DC flag across the hood and sides would be better
Wayan Vota: e-Krishok service is now available in Mobile Phone
Wayan Vota: Yes, that's right, I have a Bacon Number of 2!! And you? http://ift.tt/19458qG
Wayan Vota: Why yes, I did use Mr. Fusion as my new product entry into the Nigerian electrical power market for a MBA class. Per the movie, its available in 2015! Read my briefing note here and guess my grade: http://ift.tt/1933936
Wayan Vota: Look up!
Wayan Vota: Most ignored sign at World Bank