Wayan Vota: Even Fountainbleau Hotel ATM Fee is crazy overpriced, ripoff: $4.95 per transaction!
Wayan Vota: It's so cold, only seagulls enjoy FountainBleau Pool on Miami Beach
Wayan Vota: Miami Beach on a cold winter's day: empty pastels
Wayan Vota: Jandaia Cashew Juice @Publix: that's just so wrong!
Wayan Vota: How I celebrate 21:53 time in Bridge Buster 5k running race in Ft Pierce, FL
Wayan Vota: Future Humiston Beach Park, Vero Beach, FL, After Renovation
Wayan Vota: Wayan Flashback - When I was long hair surfer boy
Wayan Vota: Bouncy House in Basement: You Know Your Jealous!
Wayan Vota: WiFi at FLL Doesn't Work: Thanks for nothing Google
Wayan Vota: Daddy, I am a clean green piggy!
Wayan Vota: Hanalei is hungry for pork rinds in North Carolina
Wayan Vota: Hanalei is Fashion Conscience with Laptops
Wayan Vota: The calm before Hanalei storm hits the present pile
Wayan Vota: Hanalei getting help with Christmas
Wayan Vota: Hanalei looking out on Truck Stop America
Wayan Vota: A morning milky milk with my love
Wayan Vota: Beach Life with Grammy and Hanalei
Wayan Vota: Daddy, I stayed up too late partying. I'm feeling a little rough today
Wayan Vota: Hanalei moving swiftly into the future
Wayan Vota: It's bowl inspection time in the sunshine
Wayan Vota: Yes, I'm standing in the bath tub, daddy
Wayan Vota: Daddy, your money is now my money. This wallet? All mine!
Wayan Vota: Hanalei pointing the way home - 8 hours to go!
Wayan Vota: Hanalei, put down the Wet Floor sign, please