Wayan Vota: You are not taking this taxi today #snOMG dc
Wayan Vota: How deep is DC snow? One taxi dog. #snOMG
Wayan Vota: What's the Tourist Bus doing out in #snOMG? Picking up Alaskans?
Wayan Vota: Snowpocolypse doesn't stop Wmata Metro Bus! #snomg
Wayan Vota: Taxi Dog's first encounter with snow blower #snomg
Wayan Vota: The Great DC Snopocolypse of 2009 continues unabated #snomg
Wayan Vota: Mayor #Fenty is rocking the snowplows on Snowpocolypse: go DDOT!
Wayan Vota: My good deed for #Snowpocolypse: Digging out a DC DDOT Snowplow
Wayan Vota: Washington DC White Out: Even Snow Plows Are Getting Stuck
Wayan Vota: Victory over new Twitter Retweet Button - it's Gone! #RTFail Manifesto Success!
Wayan Vota: Just who wants to see Santa?
Wayan Vota: @HootSuite: will I ever get past this screen on your iPhone app?
Wayan Vota: #RTFail Bonus: in Tweetie, the RT function has performance issues. Didn't happen w/ classic RT
Wayan Vota: Walter Pierce Park Graffiti Mural Finished
Wayan Vota: Alpha Hacker for Social Justice at FrontlineSMS meetup
Wayan Vota: Hanalei feeling overwhelmed by commercial overload of modern movie theatre experience
Wayan Vota: 5 Rules for good NGO websites at #net2dc NetSquared meeting
Wayan Vota: Educational Technology Debate at SID-Washington Development Information Working Group
Wayan Vota: So people do use Smart Bike in Downtown Washington DC
Wayan Vota: Spray Painting the Graffiti Wall: Walter Pierce Park Mural
Wayan Vota: A toast to open bar happy hour #dm2009 networking session
Wayan Vota: Sherrill Dale of GSBI Showing off Previous Classes @ DM2009
Wayan Vota: So which stroller is yours?
Wayan Vota: And now auditorium wait for H1N1 swine flu vaccine: organizers sure don't have kids with this system
Wayan Vota: Longer H1N1 swine flu vaccination line at Cardozo High School in DC
Wayan Vota: And this is only 1/3 of the H1N1 Swine flu shot line in Washington DC: 1.5 hours is the wait
Wayan Vota: Staff & Salary cuts at Save the Children, World Vision, Care: Great Recession doesn't spare big NGO or Foundation employees
Wayan Vota: Freshconnect ICT ecosystem for indian farmers
Wayan Vota: Freshconnect high end PDA phones for Indian commercial extension agents #ict4d
Wayan Vota: How #freshconnect works: usaid program in India for farmers, using ICT