Wayan Vota: Downtown Silver Spring on July 3, No "Welcome Photographers" Banner yet
Wayan Vota: Assembly on Green Turf
Wayan Vota: Chip Py on Channel 8
Wayan Vota: Downtown Silver Spring Fountain
Wayan Vota: Protest Chalk - Cleaned moments after the march
Wayan Vota: Free Speech - Erased from Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: I don't Shut Up and Shop
Wayan Vota: Check your rights here on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: Peterson's PR man in action
Wayan Vota: Peterson's PR Guy talking with the press
Wayan Vota: I declare photographic freedom in Downtown Silver Spring
Wayan Vota: Chip Py - Assembly in Downtown Silver Spring
Wayan Vota: Silver Spring Penguin in action
Wayan Vota: Chip Py, photographing on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: Where Chip Py waas harassed
Wayan Vota: X Marks the spot
Wayan Vota: Protest on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: Public Money equals Public Space
Wayan Vota: Don talking up Free Our Streets
Wayan Vota: Photography in Downtown Silver Spring
Wayan Vota: Free Our Streets on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: DTSS Photo Contest - another Peterson joke
Wayan Vota: Educating the public about Free Our Streets
Wayan Vota: Your rights, leased for $1
Wayan Vota: Patriotic Pooch on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: ACLU on Ellsworth Drive, Downtown Silver Spring
Wayan Vota: Tiff on Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: Photographers in Downtown Silver Spring
Wayan Vota: Your Rights End Here: Ellsworth Drive
Wayan Vota: The March begins