DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - The Washington Monument_closer up
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - WWII Memorial_2
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - Arlington Cemetery and Robert E. Lee's house
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - WWII Memorial, with The Lincoln Memorial in the distance
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - The National Mall
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - My wife, ThuyHuong, resting at the WWII memorial
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - The Washington Monument
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - My wife, ThuyHuong at the WWII memorial
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - Arlington Cemetery_2
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - Arlington Cemetery_1
DCI Photography: Pinhole 6 x 6 - My wife, ThuyHuong at Arlington Cemetery
DCI Photography: 35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 4
DCI Photography: 35mm Panoramic pinhole -ThuyHuong_test shot 3
DCI Photography: 35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 5
DCI Photography: 35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 6
DCI Photography: 4 x 5 Anacostia scan 1 - just noticed this one is inverted ;-} oops
DCI Photography: 4 x 5 Anacostia scan 2