DCI Photography:
Pinholers in Anacostia - Day 1
DCI Photography:
Getting ready
DCI Photography:
Delio at work
DCI Photography:
Pinholers in action in Anacostia
DCI Photography:
Pinholers in Anacostia - Day 2
DCI Photography:
Lincoln Memorial - panoramic pinhole camera
DCI Photography:
Plethora of Pinhole Cameras
DCI Photography:
DCI Photography:
Pinhole camera discussion
DCI Photography:
The Group of 4
DCI Photography:
patiently waiting
DCI Photography:
Metro escalator
DCI Photography:
Eastern Market District
DCI Photography:
Lunch 1st day, Eastern Market District.
DCI Photography:
Setting up some shots
DCI Photography:
Abandoned factory Anacostia
DCI Photography:
End of the day
DCI Photography:
Delio and Mark in Anacostia
DCI Photography:
Abandoned factory, Anacostia_2
DCI Photography:
Abandoned factory, Anacostia_1
DCI Photography:
DCI Photography:
Washington Monument
DCI Photography:
WWII Memorial in Washington DC
DCI Photography:
how to paint a roof
DCI Photography:
Me in DC
DCI Photography:
35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 4
DCI Photography:
35mm Panoramic pinhole -ThuyHuong_test shot 3
DCI Photography:
Evening sunlight, The Capitol Building, Washington DC
DCI Photography:
35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 5
DCI Photography:
35mm Panoramic pinhole_test shot 6