DCI Photography:
35mm focal length Pinhole Camera - ready for action (assembled in Windsor)
DCI Photography:
35mm focal length Pinhole Camera - shutter open (assembled in Windsor)
DCI Photography:
35mm focal length Pinhole Camera - interior (assembled in Windsor)
DCI Photography:
35mm focal length Pinhole Camera - 5 x 7 paper negative (assembled in Windsor)
DCI Photography:
pinhole paper positive_first test
DCI Photography:
pinhole paper negative, first test
DCI Photography:
pinhole test 2
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - first test shot
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - front view, shutter open
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - negative holder partially inserted
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - interior view
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - paper negative holder
DCI Photography:
5 x 7 Pinhole Box Camera - paper negative loaded
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier - carrier empty
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier - carrier partially loaded
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier - carrier fully loaded
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier - slide in to load
DCI Photography:
Pinhole 5 x 7 with negative carrier - loaded and shutter open
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_ilford FP4 plus_20 seconds
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_ilford FP4 plus_40 seconds
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_ilford FP4 plus_60 seconds
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_top view_shutter cap in place
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_top view_shutter cap removed
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_front view
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_front removed showing high tech pinhole securing method
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_front removed to show pinhole
DCI Photography:
Spectator Flash Pinhole_side view showing original shutter lever and bulb setting locations
DCI Photography:
Modified 5 x 7 Foamcore pinhole - 1st test shot negative
DCI Photography:
Modified 5 x 7 Foamcore pinhole - 1st test shot positive print