dchrisoh: DSC01424 Lake Superior, near Grand Marais
dchrisoh: Superior Superior Sunset
dchrisoh: superior rocks 4
dchrisoh: auntdarlene
dchrisoh: DSC01327 Rock Sand Sun and Blanket
dchrisoh: Glory Days Remembered
dchrisoh: DSC01799 Young JT
dchrisoh: Coming night on Lake Superior
dchrisoh: Lake Superior beach at sunset
dchrisoh: Campfire smoke through the pines at Findley
dchrisoh: Watch where yer goin'!!
dchrisoh: Campin Kids
dchrisoh: Nate after Baldwin Wallace game at Finney Studium
dchrisoh: DSC01709
dchrisoh: MarieAnne, me, Christian and Vicki
dchrisoh: DSC02082
dchrisoh: DSC01419
dchrisoh: DSC01367 Sunset on Superior
dchrisoh: Sandy Ridge
dchrisoh: Sandy Ridge
dchrisoh: Sandy Ridge
dchrisoh: Golden
dchrisoh: DSC03062
dchrisoh: DSC03064
dchrisoh: DSC03065
dchrisoh: DSC03058
dchrisoh: DSC03059
dchrisoh: DSC03061 Spring at French Creek
dchrisoh: Solem on
dchrisoh: Michigansurf8.04