D. C. Elliott: Flight to Haida Gwaii
D. C. Elliott: Flight to Haida Gwaii
D. C. Elliott: Ferry to Skidegate
D. C. Elliott: I've been practicing that faraway stare
D. C. Elliott: P7290035.jpg
D. C. Elliott: View crossing Skidegate Channel
D. C. Elliott: Ferry Wake
D. C. Elliott: View crossing Skidegate Channel
D. C. Elliott: DeHaviland Beaver Floatplane
D. C. Elliott: An auspicious beginning for our trip
D. C. Elliott: Somewhere over the rainbow
D. C. Elliott: Heading over Sandspit
D. C. Elliott: Sandspit Airport
D. C. Elliott: Chasing Rainbows
D. C. Elliott: Rose Harbour, Kunghit Island
D. C. Elliott: Setting out for the Houston Stewart Channel
D. C. Elliott: Lacy Kelp
D. C. Elliott: Near Cape Fanny
D. C. Elliott: Roughing it in style
D. C. Elliott: Parking, Haida Gwaii style
D. C. Elliott: Kelp Forest
D. C. Elliott: Louscoone Inlet past Crooked Point
D. C. Elliott: Paddling up Louscoone Inlet
D. C. Elliott: Deer in Louscoone Inlet
D. C. Elliott: P7310107.jpg
D. C. Elliott: Rain Forest
D. C. Elliott: Camp on Skindaskun Island
D. C. Elliott: Moss bed, anyone?
D. C. Elliott: Rain Forest
D. C. Elliott: Best campsite ever!