D. C. Elliott: Contemplative moment
D. C. Elliott: Mopping up
D. C. Elliott: The palace
D. C. Elliott: Final breakfast
D. C. Elliott: Weathered
D. C. Elliott: *Drying Rock*
D. C. Elliott: The tarp doesn't seem so big now III
D. C. Elliott: The tarp doesn't seem so big now II
D. C. Elliott: The tarp doesn't seem so big now I
D. C. Elliott: Did I say rain?
D. C. Elliott: And then it started to rain...
D. C. Elliott: And for my next trick...
D. C. Elliott: Lunch table
D. C. Elliott: Rocky shore
D. C. Elliott: Dad, you forgot the bug dope?!
D. C. Elliott: Hauled out
D. C. Elliott: Shootout with Sherry
D. C. Elliott: Campsite, Laney's Island
D. C. Elliott: Fog bank
D. C. Elliott: Setting out
D. C. Elliott: Cookie and Annie
D. C. Elliott: Getting a kick out of Coastal Adventures
D. C. Elliott: Annie's farewell
D. C. Elliott: Annie's farewell
D. C. Elliott: First day