Onwards & Onwards: Clay Pan winch. Jez gives it a nudge.
Onwards & Onwards: Ellery winch.
Onwards & Onwards: Mt Gillen. Alice Springs.
Onwards & Onwards: Camping out in Central Australia. Alice Springs.
Onwards & Onwards: Alice Springs clay pans by night.
Onwards & Onwards: Gunbarrel Hwy roadhouse, somewhere between Warburton and Warakurna.
Onwards & Onwards: Thugging it out in Warburton, WA.
Onwards & Onwards: Maddy gets her Finke on. Braap!
Onwards & Onwards: Deep space mission to Tjukurla, WA.
Onwards & Onwards: Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs.
Onwards & Onwards: Glowing little fella.
Onwards & Onwards: The golden hour. Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs.
Onwards & Onwards: Camels in the WA 'outback'.
Onwards & Onwards: Docker River. NT/WA border.
Onwards & Onwards: Iconic rock.
Onwards & Onwards: Afternoon gem. The Old Telegraph Station. Alice Springs, NT.
Onwards & Onwards: Morning rush hour.
Onwards & Onwards: The Finke Desert Race - epic action.
Onwards & Onwards: Camping out in the Alice Springs area.
Onwards & Onwards: Camping out in Central Oz.
Onwards & Onwards: Rainow whip.
Onwards & Onwards: Another one bites the clay.
Onwards & Onwards: Jez held some nice lines. Alice Springs Clay Pans, Central Australia.
Onwards & Onwards: Bucket thrower. Alice Springs Clay Pans, Central Australia.
Onwards & Onwards: Beautiful afternoon light. Alice Springs Clay Pans, Central Australia.
Onwards & Onwards: Winching in the outback. West Madonnell Ranges.
Onwards & Onwards: Danilla Rainow on a tear. Ellery Creek, West Macdonnell Ranges, Central Australia.