DeNagel49: Crest of the Hill
DeNagel49: Cemetery in the Rain
DeNagel49: Night Rain
DeNagel49: Intimacy
DeNagel49: Woman in a Wheelchair
DeNagel49: Night S
DeNagel49: Americana
DeNagel49: Wild Geese
DeNagel49: the Open Boat
DeNagel49: Soliloquy
DeNagel49: November Mist
DeNagel49: Ozark Mountains
DeNagel49: Attitude
DeNagel49: Elegy
DeNagel49: 7 Miles to Go
DeNagel49: Dead End
DeNagel49: Hospital
DeNagel49: White Fence
DeNagel49: In the Mist
DeNagel49: Her Chair
DeNagel49: A Winter’s Path
DeNagel49: Lake in Fog_Dawn
DeNagel49: Geese_ in the Mist
DeNagel49: Focused on Infinity II
DeNagel49: Ghost Oak
DeNagel49: the Wind Chimes
DeNagel49: Cancer Ward
DeNagel49: Sad Woman with a Dog
DeNagel49: Focused on Infinity
DeNagel49: Night Walker