CBinDC: Coming out of metro
CBinDC: The line to get in
CBinDC: IMG_1079
CBinDC: In line
CBinDC: IMG_1081
CBinDC: IMG_1082
CBinDC: IMG_1083
CBinDC: IMG_1084
CBinDC: Full house
CBinDC: IMG_1086
CBinDC: IMG_1088
CBinDC: Cameras anyone ?
CBinDC: IMG_1093
CBinDC: IMG_1095
CBinDC: View from the galley
CBinDC: View from the back
CBinDC: IMG_1098
CBinDC: After the show
CBinDC: Quiet after the show
CBinDC: After the show
CBinDC: IMG_1103
CBinDC: IMG_1104
CBinDC: IMG_1105
CBinDC: IMG_1106
CBinDC: IMG_1107
CBinDC: IMG_1108
CBinDC: IMG_1110