Daniele Cattaneo: Well, he seems to be the dux... but he is Flavio!
Daniele Cattaneo: Marti&Luca
Daniele Cattaneo: Nonno bis
Daniele Cattaneo: Don't smoke, Beppe!
Daniele Cattaneo: I fell alone...
Daniele Cattaneo: My Daddy Designing
Daniele Cattaneo: Daddy, What About Using CAD?
Daniele Cattaneo: Aby Playing With My Lens
Daniele Cattaneo: Open The Gate
Daniele Cattaneo: All Right, Baby!
Daniele Cattaneo: Daddy And Daughters
Daniele Cattaneo: Candles Through Aby's Eye
Daniele Cattaneo: Andrea's Portrait
Daniele Cattaneo: ... I wouldn't like to be that ball!
Daniele Cattaneo: Celestial sounds...