(davide): Me and my D50
(davide): Me and my D50 b
(davide): Me and my D50 c
(davide): Wide me.
(davide): LCD view of myself
(davide): Back mirror selfshot
(davide): Regression of a fool
(davide): Thinking of you
(davide): Thanks :)
(davide): Work on sunday... :(
(davide): BOOOOO!
(davide): Oh my god he's laughing....
(davide): Walking into Flickr
(davide): (messy) Flickr station
(davide): I can see clearly through f1.4...
(davide): Will she like it...?
(davide): I live in the unfocused world
(davide): Double me
(davide): Please enjoy the show (and thank you all)
(davide): Good 1st 2007 morning from Davide...
(davide): ...his D50 and 50mm f1.4 ;)
(davide): I want my shadow back...
(davide): Future sphere, please tell me...
(davide): Twins (again)
(davide): Chat
(davide): Finally an happy day
(davide): Last days for D50
(davide): BUON C_ _ _ LEANNO!
(davide): (I'm smiling...)
(davide): I can see you