D. Brandsma: image
D. Brandsma: image
D. Brandsma: Paused
D. Brandsma: Dreaming of autumn.
D. Brandsma: Warsaw caves
D. Brandsma: Darlington Provincial Park, ON
D. Brandsma: Sharpening truck. A Toronto novelty.
D. Brandsma: Cat Nap
D. Brandsma: BBQ peaches, peaches for me. Millions of peaches, peach and ice cream.
D. Brandsma: The view from Toronto Island post rain storm.
D. Brandsma: The act of chair painting.
D. Brandsma: Walk into the sky.
D. Brandsma: St George the Martyr Tower Door
D. Brandsma: Soccer's big in this park.
D. Brandsma: image
D. Brandsma: Lego Kitten
D. Brandsma: end of the ride
D. Brandsma: up & out
D. Brandsma: pomegranate flower
D. Brandsma: the blues
D. Brandsma: my ride
D. Brandsma: 6 yr old's portrait of me & my coffee table.
D. Brandsma: cat nap
D. Brandsma: orchard love
D. Brandsma: Norah Bones
D. Brandsma: this morning's perfectly pulled espresso shot
D. Brandsma: fall flowerings
D. Brandsma: fall flowerings