Boz Bros: packin my pack pack
Boz Bros: cliff house hot tubbs
Boz Bros: our room in the queens quarters
Boz Bros: IMG_2916
Boz Bros: frasier and his new flor de li
Boz Bros: pony ride
Boz Bros: thats a horse.. we are huge
Boz Bros: ride that donkey
Boz Bros: frasiers room
Boz Bros: Morrison, CO - main st.
Boz Bros: IMG_2928
Boz Bros: ATM at the Holiday Bar
Boz Bros: upper south lot scene
Boz Bros: ramp
Boz Bros: rampn
Boz Bros: long ramp.. altitude
Boz Bros: first day ramp fail
Boz Bros: grat view tho
Boz Bros: IMG_2938
Boz Bros: IMG_2939
Boz Bros: IMG_2940
Boz Bros: IMG_2941
Boz Bros: blanko is down there.. in the grey shirt
Boz Bros: IMG_2943
Boz Bros: IMG_2945
Boz Bros: IMG_2946
Boz Bros: IMG_2947
Boz Bros: blanko!!
Boz Bros: IMG_2949
Boz Bros: the edge!