Desiree Kane: My old university, UNLV.
Desiree Kane: One more time, because I like this one more. #orlando #florida #phart :P
Desiree Kane: Uptown #CLT apartment
Desiree Kane: upload
Desiree Kane: I love that these are photographs. ^_^ #CLT
Desiree Kane: Kaleido-lotte #CLT
Desiree Kane: Updated #CLT snap from earlier. Mm I love the pink in this.
Desiree Kane: I think this church was in Alabama?
Desiree Kane: My latest foray into the land of "is this still a photograph?" I took a picture and have used nothing but photo editing apps... I don't know, YAY/NAY? If nay, why and what is it?
Desiree Kane: Days go by...
Desiree Kane: Open up your smile and see me...
Desiree Kane: I know that you will...
Desiree Kane: Pepsi... #clt
Desiree Kane: Brevard, NC
Desiree Kane: I see what you did!