DBerry2006: Creekside Stairs, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: "We Are Here" Plaque, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: "We Are Here" Ashland OR
DBerry2006: Old IOOF Hall, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Old and new signage, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Faded Signage, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Old Fountain, Lithia Park, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Lithia Park, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Lithia Park, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Old fountain on the plaza, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Ashland Shakespeare Festival Theater Seating
DBerry2006: The old stage is still as I remember it
DBerry2006: Entrance to the Angus L. Bowmer Theater
DBerry2006: Entrance to the Shakespearian Theater, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Ashland Springs Hotel, Ashland, OR
DBerry2006: Ashland Springs Hotel, Ashland, OR