Dazzygidds: May the light always be with you
Dazzygidds: Long lane, step by step
Dazzygidds: The soft caress of Textures takes time
Dazzygidds: If only all families got on this well. Baaah
Dazzygidds: The Long lane with the Wide View
Dazzygidds: All Riches will be revealed
Dazzygidds: Looking into the heart of Beauty
Dazzygidds: The River Wye- Miller's Dale
Dazzygidds: Miller's dale Viaduct
Dazzygidds: Flowering Dales
Dazzygidds: Monk's dale information Board
Dazzygidds: Early Purple Orchid
Dazzygidds: While there is still colour in my heart, there is time.
Dazzygidds: Forget-me-nots while the sun shines
Dazzygidds: The Wet flush of Serenity
Dazzygidds: Distortions bring beauty into focus
Dazzygidds: A trail of Trees l leave behind
Dazzygidds: Bring your tambourine
Dazzygidds: Blatantcy
Dazzygidds: The Monk's Glorious Dale
Dazzygidds: The Trees of the Dale
Dazzygidds: The shadows Trail
Dazzygidds: The way remains clear
Dazzygidds: Branching in the shadows
Dazzygidds: Its a Shoot-out
Dazzygidds: Texture left to wild abandon
Dazzygidds: The Mossy melee of light Supreme
Dazzygidds: Bluebell takes Beetle to the edge
Dazzygidds: The Lone poppy in a strange world
Dazzygidds: Brightness blooms in the deepest shade