Dazzygidds: Three sheep and my shadow
Dazzygidds: Three curious sheep
Dazzygidds: Farm tracks to Bridge End Farm
Dazzygidds: Ice textures with trapped grass
Dazzygidds: The Dove, at Peace
Dazzygidds: A way through the enchanted wood
Dazzygidds: Fields of beauty
Dazzygidds: Life meanders slowly in the upper Dove Valley
Dazzygidds: Tranquility of the meandering Dove
Dazzygidds: A Tree with a view
Dazzygidds: Looking back to Hartington
Dazzygidds: Sheen Hill from a fielded position
Dazzygidds: Harris Close- a rural retreat
Dazzygidds: Approaching Harris close
Dazzygidds: Three Shetlands and one's Shire than the rest
Dazzygidds: Horses in the vale of Beauty
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Dazzygidds: Longnor nestles at the foot of the Peaks
Dazzygidds: Remnants of a Tropical sea as far as the eye can see
Dazzygidds: Stone outcrops that have a Fungi-like Sheen
Dazzygidds: A Sheep wave
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Dazzygidds: Pilsbury Castle through a tree screen
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Dazzygidds: A few Peeks of the Peaks that glow
Dazzygidds: Pilsbury Castle in context
Dazzygidds: The path i've travelled with the Dove as my companion
Dazzygidds: A Norman View now for all to view
Dazzygidds: Pilsbury Castle, Limestone Reefs and the Grazing sheep