Dazzygidds: Whatstandwell Mist ascension
Dazzygidds: Evaporation haze
Dazzygidds: Look-out to Fin Cop and Hob's House
Dazzygidds: Blazing delight sun beam in tree-dappled delight
Dazzygidds: Deepdale in Autumn's soft embrace
Dazzygidds: Beauty resides on either side
Dazzygidds: Limestone Green glade to be at your service
Dazzygidds: Trees and shrubs in Dale side beauty
Dazzygidds: Proportionate beauty elegantly spaced
Dazzygidds: At the foot of the Dale a Tree creaks
Dazzygidds: Dimmon or Deep I lurk in your sleep
Dazzygidds: Who cares about the Dale and its Plantlife?
Dazzygidds: Moss bouldering on delight
Dazzygidds: Mossy and amazing alongside the gravelly path
Dazzygidds: Where shade and Sun find a place to call Home
Dazzygidds: Hawthorn hill
Dazzygidds: Trees at ease in Deepdale
Dazzygidds: Textured path that de'lights' at every turn
Dazzygidds: Deepdales Half-light
Dazzygidds: A trickle into a Dale's life
Dazzygidds: Walking through the Dale
Dazzygidds: Beauty deep, down the dale for memory to keep
Dazzygidds: The Sedate path of Deepdale
Dazzygidds: Berry & Bullock Blockage
Dazzygidds: Dry stone and Brown coat
Dazzygidds: Dale's expressions
Dazzygidds: Stone wall separation
Dazzygidds: Tree screen the green scene
Dazzygidds: Beauty, MADE in the Dale
Dazzygidds: Splashes of colour, textures and shadow