Dazzygidds: Dawlish warren peers across towards Exmouth
Dazzygidds: Dawlish warren's permian cliffs
Dazzygidds: Red Sandstone is difficult to see when sea and mist go adrift
Dazzygidds: Dogs and bodies amongst the boulders of Dawlish
Dazzygidds: The sands of time amongst the boulders of Dawlish Warren
Dazzygidds: En'crustaceans' with natural superglue
Dazzygidds: Lobster pot in Red cliff view
Dazzygidds: The mussel army and a detachment of light shell shock troops on the right
Dazzygidds: Dawlish rocks reign supreme!
Dazzygidds: Clockwork shells
Dazzygidds: Seaweed and Red sandstone Permian view
Dazzygidds: Seagull view of seagull soar
Dazzygidds: "I cant tell friend from frond!"
Dazzygidds: Seagull seat will eventually get lighter