Doug D: IMG_3349
Doug D: vote obama
Doug D: Fall colors
Doug D: EVIL.
Doug D: The Bronx
Doug D: Pupa & Zehlem
Doug D: Police Dept.
Doug D: Ice Skating Rink
Doug D: Dept. of Health
Doug D: Base
Doug D: NYC Messengers on 5th Av
Doug D: Brett & Lee
Doug D: Victor
Doug D: Central Park Benches
Doug D: Soho
Doug D: Save Domino
Doug D: I think I'll stand, thank you
Doug D: America
Doug D: NYC Sunset
Doug D: Bed-Stuy
Doug D: D.U.M.B.O.
Doug D: West 13th at 5th Av
Doug D: The Bee Goes Ring Ring
Doug D: Canal at Night
Doug D: Bum Burns Coat Then Says Goodbye As He Throws It Into The Pit
Doug D: Bed-Stuy View
Doug D: Church
Doug D: Union Square
Doug D: G Train