springday: Panda's beautiful work
springday: Panda's beautiful work
springday: Pastachios
springday: Some Nissan SUV as a negative
springday: Just being silly
springday: Hey!
springday: Playing w/ light
springday: Chilling behind the studio
springday: Bird feader gourd
springday: tired out of my mind
springday: Need some sleep
springday: My wedding band
springday: Negative Corona
springday: framed corona
springday: framed b/w corona
springday: waiting in the car for Missy
springday: hand around a light
springday: jade
springday: my eye
springday: mess w/ da bull
springday: hand around my corona
springday: edge of concrete
springday: Loser
springday: behind the studio
springday: behind the studio
springday: ahhhh
springday: behind the studio
springday: eye upside down