NovakDay: Absolute Radio promo banner in the foyer
NovakDay: Setlist
NovakDay: The OC
NovakDay: Beer & Cake Crowd
NovakDay: Welcome Maggie
NovakDay: Taking the Beer and Cake oath
NovakDay: Throwing away the Yellow Pages, a certain game ender.
NovakDay: The passing of The Shard
NovakDay: Greg at Mission Control
NovakDay: I think Richie is .... ?
NovakDay: Master Tail-Light.
NovakDay: Aussie Humour
NovakDay: Thanking Damon, The Pope, Prince Harry, Prince William, etc, etc...
NovakDay: Beer & Cake Crowd
NovakDay: Speak to the hand
NovakDay: A "5 word" contestant
NovakDay: What's Beer and Cake without beer ? Forget the cake
NovakDay: Leicester Square Theatre Bar Staff
NovakDay: Dan & the sound crew
NovakDay: A Roxette late night call
NovakDay: The Great Alprendo
NovakDay: Goodbye and Goodnight
NovakDay: Beer and Cake crowd after the show
NovakDay: Game over
NovakDay: Theatre Entrance