DaybreakProject: 1/365 Running start
DaybreakProject: 2/365 Stepping Stone
DaybreakProject: 3/365 Flower power
DaybreakProject: 4/365 Shh..
DaybreakProject: 5/365 Crispy
DaybreakProject: 6/365 Night at the theatre
DaybreakProject: 7/365 Monkey business
DaybreakProject: 8/365 Rush hour
DaybreakProject: 9/365 Yelow umbrella
DaybreakProject: 10/365 The new look
DaybreakProject: 11/365 Trails
DaybreakProject: 12/365 Upside down
DaybreakProject: 13/365 Distant look
DaybreakProject: 14/365 Hey, idiot...
DaybreakProject: 15/365 Under pressure
DaybreakProject: 16/365 Confluence
DaybreakProject: 17/365 The mirror reflects, but it lies to me
DaybreakProject: 18/365 Bottom line
DaybreakProject: 19/365 Come nearer, come closer, it's nearly time!
DaybreakProject: 20/365 Blue lines
DaybreakProject: 21/365 Hope to connect with impossible dreams
DaybreakProject: 22/365 Leaving it behind
DaybreakProject: 23/365 The construction of a truth
DaybreakProject: 24/365 Before I can see the light...
DaybreakProject: 25/365 Smile, what's the use of crying?
DaybreakProject: 26/365 The stripes of ti[m]e
DaybreakProject: 27/365 It's like nothing in this world ever sleeps
DaybreakProject: 28/365 Behind the green hill
DaybreakProject: 29/365 Without any doubt...
DaybreakProject: 30/365 Grid