day92783: Where do we go??
day92783: Lighting in Madrid
day92783: Taking pictures in Madrid Airport
day92783: Madrid Airport
day92783: Lighting in Madrid Airport
day92783: Madrid Airport
day92783: At the airport..can't remember which one
day92783: Sunrise at Madrid Airport
day92783: Sunrise at Madrid Airport
day92783: Barcelon from the place
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Serenity in the sky
day92783: What the top of a cloud looks like
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Lone boat
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: Barcelona from the plane
day92783: At Barcelona Airport
day92783: Waiting for the train in to the center of Barcelona
day92783: Gaudi's House