day-at-the-beach: Tri-colored Heron
day-at-the-beach: Tri-colored Heron Silhouette
day-at-the-beach: Sanderling
day-at-the-beach: Red-breasted Merganser
day-at-the-beach: Laughing Gull and Tri-colored Heron
day-at-the-beach: Three of a Kind Challenge: Walk Like a Snowy
day-at-the-beach: Turkey Vulture
day-at-the-beach: Turkey Vulture Sunning
day-at-the-beach: Tufted Titmouse
day-at-the-beach: Three Snowy Egrets
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Trio
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Egret
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Egret Reflected
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Egret Line-up
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Duo
day-at-the-beach: Preening Snowy
day-at-the-beach: Northern Cardinal Male
day-at-the-beach: Lesser Scaup Female
day-at-the-beach: Lesser Scaup Female
day-at-the-beach: Great and Snowy Egrets
day-at-the-beach: Eastern Bluebird Female
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Male
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Male
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Male
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Female
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Female
day-at-the-beach: Blue-winged Teal Female
day-at-the-beach: American Robin
day-at-the-beach: Three of an Unwanted Kind