day-at-the-beach: Ibis at Rest
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron Reflected
day-at-the-beach: Great Egret-Great Blue Heron
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron Profile
day-at-the-beach: Double-crested Cormorant
day-at-the-beach: Brown Pelican in Reeds
day-at-the-beach: Sculpture Assembly
day-at-the-beach: Sculpture Assembly
day-at-the-beach: Recovery Full-sized Model
day-at-the-beach: Recovery Model Detail
day-at-the-beach: Cedar Waxwings
day-at-the-beach: Cedar Waxwings
day-at-the-beach: Cedar Waxwings
day-at-the-beach: Cedar Waxwings
day-at-the-beach: Four Bluebirds on Peanut Butter Feeder
day-at-the-beach: Bluebird with Peanut Butter
day-at-the-beach: Great Egret in the Wind 2
day-at-the-beach: Yellowleg Strut
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron Nabs Lunch
day-at-the-beach: Three Ruddy Sleepers
day-at-the-beach: Osprey Sequence
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron with Big Fish
day-at-the-beach: Look this way
day-at-the-beach: Greater Yellowlegs
day-at-the-beach: Great Egret
day-at-the-beach: Knee Deep
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron with Big Lunch
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron Strut
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron's Lunch