Dawn on the Amazon: Family floating a balsa raft on the Amazon River
Dawn on the Amazon: Chuck and Margaret enjoying Dawn on the Amazon III
Dawn on the Amazon: Margaret photographing a scene on the Blanco River
Dawn on the Amazon: Margaret on the observation deck
Dawn on the Amazon: Chuck relaxed on the observation deck
Dawn on the Amazon: Bird watching in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Tree full of bromiliads
Dawn on the Amazon: Bromiliad inflorescence
Dawn on the Amazon: Young boy in canoe tied to Camu-camu bush
Dawn on the Amazon: Our friends visiting San Pedro
Dawn on the Amazon: Jungle hike in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Marmelita points out a Wicungo Palm on a jungle hike
Dawn on the Amazon: Machi Mangua tree
Dawn on the Amazon: Vines photographed in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Vine photographed in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Calzón Panga on a jungle hike
Dawn on the Amazon: Bromiliad blooming February 28th
Dawn on the Amazon: Callámpa fungus in the reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Chuck pointing out a breadfruit
Dawn on the Amazon: Hishauga Mara-Mara blossom
Dawn on the Amazon: Poucar and nests
Dawn on the Amazon: Many shades of green in the rainforest
Dawn on the Amazon: Bromiliad inflorescences
Dawn on the Amazon: Blossoms observed in Tamshiyacu Tahuayo Reserve
Dawn on the Amazon: Sapo Huasca blossoms and berries
Dawn on the Amazon: Sapa Husasca blossom
Dawn on the Amazon: Canilla de Vieja berries
Dawn on the Amazon: Jungle Morning Glories
Dawn on the Amazon: Rifari Jungle berries
Dawn on the Amazon: A larger boat would not be on this river