Dawn on the Amazon: Honorary Chief of the Boras
Dawn on the Amazon: Bora Chief Rafael with Anna
Dawn on the Amazon: Mashing yuca to make jungle beer
Dawn on the Amazon: Mashing yuca
Dawn on the Amazon: Toasting yuca into farina
Dawn on the Amazon: Mud and brick wood fired oven
Dawn on the Amazon: The old hospital
Dawn on the Amazon: Padre Cocha pottery
Dawn on the Amazon: Our Jungle Cabin
Dawn on the Amazon: Veiw from our Jungle Cabin
Dawn on the Amazon: Fishing in Llanchama Cocha
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua chief
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua weaving Irapay Palm leaves for the roof
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua indigenous family, Amazon Jungle, Iquitos Peru
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua girl
Dawn on the Amazon: Bora girls
Dawn on the Amazon: Dawn on the Amazon I, up the Momon River with the Boras
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua chief, target practice with the blow gun
Dawn on the Amazon: Doug and Glen at the Yagua Village
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua guide, jungle hike
Dawn on the Amazon: Jungle hike with Yagua
Dawn on the Amazon: Yagua chief has a laugh at Greg's expense
Dawn on the Amazon: Darling little Bora girl
Dawn on the Amazon: Cute little Yagua with magnifying glass
Dawn on the Amazon: Connie and Marjorie with young Yagua
Dawn on the Amazon: Donating school supplies in the home of the Mishana school teacher
Dawn on the Amazon: Trying to figure out the magic trick
Dawn on the Amazon: Making palm thatch for roofs
Dawn on the Amazon: Laundry girls