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Instagram by Dawn Camp
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Dawn Camp
Love our new DaySpring mirror and that hubby hung it girl height!
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
Circus, no filter
Dawn Camp
Heading to the circus!
Dawn Camp
Don't all grown women have a stash of silly bandz with their jewelry?
Dawn Camp
Quesadilla: 'shrooms, cheese, tomato, grilled peppers & onions. Yum!
Dawn Camp
Inspired by today's reading to start my own gifts list
Dawn Camp
Chocolate dream, I mean cream, pie
Dawn Camp
First cup of tea of the day (lemon zinger)
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
25th Anniversary. Retro.
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
Pop Up Bowls in Walmart today! #Orville #couchcritics
Dawn Camp
Mickey D's sweet tea. :)
Dawn Camp
Would love to see Chase Jarvis do a new edition taken with iPhone 4
Dawn Camp
Best. Kids. App. Ever: The Monster at the End of This Book
Dawn Camp
New permit. Help!
Dawn Camp
Lunch break
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
Kitty Cat & Snicklefritz, our most-loved toys, fresh from the wash (which doesn't even make them look very clean anymore)
Dawn Camp
The kids say this is what I say when @labeldude (hubby) calls
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
Instagram Collage
Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp
My hubby, my boots, my camera, and I are going to a concert tonight. Yee haw!
Dawn Camp
The study of geography has this effect on some people
Dawn Camp
Say "Cheese!"
Dawn Camp
The usual
Dawn Camp
Afternoon Delight
Dawn Camp
Guinea Pig
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