Dawn Camp: Love our new DaySpring mirror and that hubby hung it girl height!
Dawn Camp: Ringmaster
Dawn Camp: Circus, no filter
Dawn Camp: Heading to the circus!
Dawn Camp: Don't all grown women have a stash of silly bandz with their jewelry?
Dawn Camp: Quesadilla: 'shrooms, cheese, tomato, grilled peppers & onions. Yum!
Dawn Camp: Inspired by today's reading to start my own gifts list
Dawn Camp: Chocolate dream, I mean cream, pie
Dawn Camp: First cup of tea of the day (lemon zinger)
Dawn Camp: 25th Anniversary. Retro.
Dawn Camp: Pop Up Bowls in Walmart today! #Orville #couchcritics
Dawn Camp: Mickey D's sweet tea. :)
Dawn Camp: Would love to see Chase Jarvis do a new edition taken with iPhone 4
Dawn Camp: Best. Kids. App. Ever: The Monster at the End of This Book
Dawn Camp: New permit. Help!
Dawn Camp: Lunch break
Dawn Camp: Kitty Cat & Snicklefritz, our most-loved toys, fresh from the wash (which doesn't even make them look very clean anymore)
Dawn Camp: The kids say this is what I say when @labeldude (hubby) calls
Dawn Camp: Instagram Collage
Dawn Camp: Grace
Dawn Camp: My hubby, my boots, my camera, and I are going to a concert tonight. Yee haw!
Dawn Camp: The study of geography has this effect on some people
Dawn Camp: Say "Cheese!"
Dawn Camp: The usual
Dawn Camp: Afternoon Delight
Dawn Camp: Guinea Pig